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Family Meeting

July 19, 2024


3:00 am

July 19, 2024


8:00 am

We are excited to extend a warm invitation to our upcoming Church Family Meeting, where we come together as one family to connect, communicate, and grow together in our faith journey.

Our Mission

We are thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to our upcoming Mission Church Event Family Meeting, where we will gather as a community united by a common purpose: to serve, uplift, and spread God's love to those in need.

Refreshments will be provided, offering a time for fellowship and connection as we share stories, build relationships, and strengthen our bonds as a mission-minded community.

Let us unite our hearts and efforts for the cause of Christ's kingdom, knowing that our collective actions can bring about meaningful change and lasting hope in the lives of others.



7/19/2024 3:00 AM


7/19/2024 8:00 AM

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